My Top-Secret Amazing Vegetarian Dish

Here’s a video of me making my favourite dish. It has pretty good macronutrients and it’s vegetarian!

Part of the dragon boat is either gaining or losing weight accordingly in order to pull your weight more efficiently on the boat. If your goal is to gain weight, you have to be at a calorie surplus (energy intake, or food > energy used), which means paying attention to the amount of exercise and protein you eat (or else it's just going to be converted to fat).

If your goal is to lose weight, you have to be a calorie deficit. This is done by either doing extra cardio and/or eating at a deficit. Ideally, you are doing both just for efficiency. Being at a calorie deficit does NOT mean restricting the AMOUNT you eat but choosing carefully WHAT you eat. You can opt for leaner meats (chicken breast, turkey, lean ground beef, cod), decreasing high-calorie snacks, eating more volume (more filling foods that are low calories such as broccoli).

Now, I know some of you guys are gonna get lazy and just eyeball everything. Trust me, it doesn't work (I've tried). Counting your macronutrientss and making your nutrition quantitative really allows you to see where you are lacking in your nutrition. Getting more fit is arguably 90% nutrition.

Tools for counting macros:

1. In order to count your macro's for each meal/snack, you eat you can download my fitness pal on your phone. It's an amazing app that has a huge database of all the foods you can buy at any grocery store. This allows you to organize everything you've ate this week.

2. This tool estimates the number of calories you need to maintain, gain or lose. This lets you see what you need to set yourself as a daily calorie intake goal.

3. Tupperware for meal prepping. Trust me, it makes life so much easier. Meal prepping not only lets you easily count your macro's, but it also saves time and makes it easier to budget your grocery shopping and saves you money from eating out. I personally meal prep all my lunches for convenience. The meal you saw earlier literally costs like 3 dollars to make. Eggplants, tofu, and rice are literally the cheapest thing out there.


I learned everything online. This is my favourite video.

Kevin He

Kevin paddled from 2017-2020, and served as the Head Trainer from 2018-2019.




Protein and Nutrition