Health and Wellness

Hi Liquid! As exam season approaches, I’m sure everyone is quite overwhelmed by the amount of final assignments, projects, and tests. We all have different ways to deal with stress and as athletes, it is even more important that we find that balance between school, social life, and getting gains. Here are some quick tips:

1.               Use an agenda to create to-do lists and plan ahead

Stretching and focusing on your breaths can help both your overall fitness as well as your mental health!

Stretching and focusing on your breaths can help both your overall fitness as well as your mental health!

Start by writing out the big deadlines and plan smaller tasks you want to accomplish before the due date. Make to-do lists with the specific tasks you want to accomplish before a certain time.I use Notion and it’s a great way to organize all your notes and deadlines online. You can get the Pro plan for free when you sign up with your U of T email  (

2.               Take a walk, stretch, do some physical activity

Holiday season is coming up right after exams, so it can be very easy to keep saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” and lose sight of your fitness goals. Now that we’re stuck at home all day in front of a computer, staying active and healthy is super important. We’ll be releasing some fun Holiday challenges during the winter break!

3.               Productive study sessions with friends

Tell each other your study goals to stay accountable! If you’re feeling stressed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a trainer or anyone on the team. Whether it’s about academics, career pathways or life in general, we’re all here to help you out. As well, keep an eye out for Liquid study sessions with on Discord 

Please take care of yourself, drink lots of water, and take breaks! Good luck on finals and I hope to see everyone on Saturday 

Ashley Zhang

Ashley paddled from 2018-2021, and served as the Co-Director of Public Relations from 2020-2021.


Answering your questions about running


Cold Weather Training and Practice